Financial Services Analytics

The information technology revolution has fundamentally changed the way banking and financial services are managed. Likewise, the financial industry is undergoing a significant transformation today, with financial institutions embracing business analytics to drive down costs, mitigate risks, and drive revenue.
  • Statistical tools can be used in a variety of fields to gain insights for making better decisions.
  • Agriculture is one of these fields because statistical analysis makes it possible the prediction of the atmosphere, fertilizer pricing, growth pattern, a disorder affecting the pattern, and much more.
  • The design of experimental analysis is particularly relevant to cultivation, the quantity of fertilizer required for the plant, yield, and so on. 
  • Agriculture surveys and interpretations are based on the collection of statistical tools that are used to explain the relationship to the outcome.
  • Professionals at Statistics Consultancy can effectively predict the future of agricultural products and guarantee that you are gaining deep insights about the product.

The reason why you want to choose us?

  • Statistics Consultancy provides exceptional services to financial services, assisting them in addressing potential business issues by providing in-depth business insights, strategic planning, and improved performance.
  • This is accomplished by gaining access to data captured during operating processes and efficiently transforming it into a valid data value.
  • Our banking services help banks understand their customers’ changing demands and adapt their services accordingly.
  • We use effective data mining and sophisticated analytical tools to assist financial institutions to avoid market fluctuations, reducing the risk of fraud & manage exposure risk. We even used predictors and multivariate descriptive analytics to investigate the use of credit scores.
  •  We have improved the way financial institutions segregate, concentrate, obtain, and retain customers by extracting data from them. 
  • Furthermore, our services enable banks in improving their risk management, gain a better knowledge of their customers, and enable risk and fraud assessment to help them build a secure and financially viable customer base.

Our products and services

  • We provide exceptional services to financial firms, assisting them in their efforts to address potential business issues by providing in-depth market insight, strategic planning, and improved performance. 
  • This is accomplished by gaining access to data captured during operational procedures and effectively transforming it into valid & significant information.

We use the following components and tools in our business analytics for financial institutions:

  • Management of Risk
  • Treasury Intelligence
  • Customer management via multiple channels

Business Intelligence

At financial institutions, a scheduled approach is used to provide key aspects such as analysis, requests, documentation, scorecards, and performance measures to the users, allowing them to derive conclusive inferences that improve decision-making.

Analytics Applications

We also implement intrinsic applications that merge data models, business analytics capabilities, documents, and process workflows that are essential for addressing specific business problems.

Performance of Financial Analytics & Strategy Management

To simplify financial results and strategic administration in financial institutions, we help them to achieve budgeting and making plans, financial consolidation, strategy administration, and scorecards.

Advanced Analytics

In advanced analytics, we use predictive modeling, knowledge extraction, “what if” simulation, text analytics, and statistics to effectively study and make predictive scenarios and outline feasible prevention methods